There are offers that show a label indicating what kind of offer is the one published. We have 6 types different of tags, I have here how to use them:
Applies to products that will be discontinued, extruded of inventory permanently and/or discounted of price to give space to new merchandise in the shop of provenance. The price is usually one much lower than the regular price.
Use only when you include a catalog pdf in the offer. If you offer catalogues to your clients, but not you aren't uploading it to be published in the offer, please not use this label.
Only for ads posted on the 'Events' department.
Those offers in which you are including a variety of products (3 or more) at the marked price. The description must list all products included in the basket and preferably their prices separately. Products in these offers are offered as 1 SINGLE SALE of all the products listed, they are not to buy selected products.. You as seller have the option of replacing products that have same value, if you want to, and express so in the offer.
Products that you offer as a set because they are exact design and they were made to go together. Some already come as a SET with their price, but others could be products that are sold separately. The description must list all products offered and preferably their prices separately. The price must be for the 2 or 3 products in total (not more than 3). As for example 1 bra and 1 panty. Another example would be: 1 pair of earrings, 1 necklace, 1 bracelet. It must include the photo of all the pieces of the set offered by the price posted, but the customer can buy the piece or pieces they want if they are sold separately.
Products that are offered together because they look good together, they work well together, they match, or they could use as a SET but are not; you simply, as a good business consultant, made the combination because they complement each other. For example 1 handbag, 1 pair of shoes. Another example would be 1 fat burner and 1 hunger suppressor. Photo of everything offered by the price should be included, but the customer can purchase the product or products that wants.